Juan Delgado speaks on startups and mergers at the EU Joint Research Centre in Ispra

Our Managing Director Juan Delgado will give a seminar on 8 October 2024 at the European Commission Joint Research Center in Ispra (Italy), presenting the report International Outcomes of Venture-funded Companies: The Role of Acquisitions.


The report lays on data both from the US and Europe on counts and values for IPOs, acquisitions, and failures (companies that are worthless at exit) for Venture Capital (VC) startups. The report analyses the fate of 10,867 US VC funded startups and 4,786 European startups, highlighting the role of acquisitions. The results have relevant implications for merger control policy.


The Joint Research Centre in Ispra is one of Europe’s leading research campuses. The Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME) advises and supports EU policy making through ex-post causal evaluation and data-driven microeconomic analysis.

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