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‘GAMES Econ’

HomeGAMES Econ

  Juan Delgado participará como ponente en el panel sobre “Transición energética sostenible y Agenda 2030 en América Latina” que tendrá lugar el viernes, 15 de julio de 2022, dentro del VII Encuentro de Empresas Multilatinas que se celebra en la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo en Santander (España) entre el 13 y el 15 de […]

Our Director Esteban Greco participated in November 2021 as speaker in the Workshop on Fighting Bid Rigging organized by the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America.     More information about the event
Nuestro Director Esteban Greco participó en noviembre de 2021 como expositor en el “Workshop on Fighting Bid Rigging” organizado por el Centro Regional de Competencia de la OCDE en América Latina.     Más información sobre el evento
Our Director Esteban Greco and our Academic Advisor Fernanda Viecens participated on March 18, 2022 in the event organized by Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. The meeting was part of the “Smart IP Latin America" research initiative, focused on examining the legal and regulatory framework of intellectual property and competition law in Latin America. [...]
Our Director Esteban Greco and our Academic Advisor Fernanda Viecens participated on March 18, 2022 in the event organized by Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. The meeting was part of the “Smart IP Latin America" research initiative, focused on examining the legal and regulatory framework of intellectual property and competition law in Latin America. [...]
Nuestra Academic Advisor Fernanda Viecens participó en la presentación de la reciente publicación en español del libro de Martin Peitz "Organización Industrial: mercados y estrategias" en el marco de la #FILBo2022 (Feria del libro de Bogotá). Junto con Jorge Florez discutieron sobre el rol de la organización industrial y sus aplicaciones a la práctica del antitrust, en [...]
Our Academic Advisor Fernanda Viecens participated in the presentation of the recent publication in Spanish of Martin Peitz's book "Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies" in the #FILBo2022 (Feria del libro de Bogotá). Joint with Jorge Florez, they discussed the role of the industrial organization and the practice of antitrust, in perspective with public policies in [...]
GAMES Econ Director Beatriz Yemail leads economic advice of top Latin American transaction  Nexans SA acquisition, from Xignux SA, of Centelsa, a premium worldwide cable manufacturer specializing in building and utilities solutions, was recently highlighted as Latin America’s Deal of the Month by TTR - Transactional Track Record. Our expert Beatriz Yemail, head of GAMES [...]
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