Archive for the
‘Directors’ Category

Mexico City– Dr Elisa V. Mariscal collaborated, along with 20 other expert women on antitrust around the world, in the book “Women in Antitrust: Antitrust across the borders” (Editora Singular, 2023).   Dr Elisa V. Mariscal co-authored the essay “Walmart/Cornershop, Uber/Cornershop: a case study on learning about regulatory biases, blind spots and the need for transparency […]

Nueva edición de curso online sobre “La Competencia en los Mercados”, organizado por la Fundación Rafael del Pino y en el que participa como ponente nuestro director Juan Delgado.   El objetivo del curso es proporcionar una introducción a los elementos esenciales que configuran la política de competencia. Los destinatarios del curso son todas aquellas personas […]

Madrid/Mexico City/Buenos Aires/Santiago de Chile — Who’s Who Legal named GAMES Econ experts Elisa Mariscal, Esteban Greco, Rodrigo Harrison and Juan Delgado to its 2023 list of World Leading Competition Economists. GAMES Econ emerges as the competition consulting firm with the highest number of recognised experts in Latam and as one of the world leading […]

Our managing director Elisa Mariscal participated at the 2023 Mexico Global Conference organized by the International Section of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA), which took place at Mexico City between October 11th -13th.   Dr Elisa Mariscal moderated the panel “Intersection Between Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Antitrust in the Healthcare Sector” […]

With the occasion of  the International Competition Network Annual Meeting in Barcelona, our director Juan Delgado spoke on October 16, 2023, at the roundtable “Nascent Competitors – Are Current Enforcement Levels Striking the Right Balance?”, organised by Competition Policy International – CPI. The roundtable was part of a series on “M&A: Striking a Balance Between […]

Intervención de nuestro director, Juan Delgado, en la mesa redonda, organizada por la ETSIT UPM, sobre los Desafíos de la Regulación en el Sector de las Telecomunicaciones, celebrada en Madrid el 13 de Septiembre de 2023.   En la presente intervención voy a presentar tres retos que afronta el sector de las comunicaciones electrónicas y […]

Nuestro director Juan Delgado participará en la mesa redonda para discutir la adecuación de la regulación actual a la dinámica competitiva en el sector de las telecomunicaciones, organizada por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid junto con la Cátedra Telefónica. Este evento tendrá lugar el próximo día […]

Esteban Greco and Fernanda Viecens argue that if this case was not ratified as an exploitative abuse of dominance through excessive pricing, one must conclude that Argentina’s Law for the Defense of Competition does not consider excessive pricing to be an infraction-worthy conduct.   On February 23, 2023, Argentina’s Supreme Court upheld a decision that […]

Esteban Greco joined agency authorities and practicioners in Riyadh at the Forum organized by ESCWA, in collaboration with UNCTAD, OECD, and the General Authority for Competition of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (GAC).   He shared a Session about Cross-border merger control with Paul Lugard (Partner at Baker Botts LLP), Willard Mwemba (Director and Chief […]

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